this crazy oily life

I wouldn't be able to count on two hands the number of times I've tried to start a blog. Each time hoping that I would finally be able to keep it going. Alas, none have made it past more than a couple months. This blog is going to be the one to finally get me over that hump! 

 About 9 months ago, I was introduced to the idea of essential oils. I became part of an online group where many of the women were using them for themselves and their families. They would talk about the many things that they could be used for: sleep, skin, mood, allergies, etc. I'll admit, I was quite intrigued at first, but when I saw the initial cost it scared me away for a bit. All the while I still kept reading and listening to the conversations and testimonies about all that these seemingly "magic" oils could do. Finally, after getting some tax money back, I decided to bite the bullet and jump into the world of essential oils. I'm now 3 months in and loving it! Since I don't want to bombard my news feeds in other social media with my constant posting, I figured a blog would be the perfect platform for those that are interested in learning more. 

 The world of essential oils is vast and can often be overwhelming. I still get overwhelmed with everything they can do and everything there is to learn, but slowly and surely I'm getting there and you will too! I'm going to be posting information on the oils that I use from Young Living Essential Oils, where to get started and how you can sign up, recipes that you can try once you get your oils and testimonies about how the oils have been helping my family. If you ever have any comments or questions, feel free to ask! I'm so glad you're here to take this journey with me!